Floor Polisher Hire
Discover Multi-Hire’s full range of Floor Polishing Machines here. Capable of polishing concrete, terrazzo and screed among other materials, these power tool are available to work at variable speeds such as the HTC 500 floor polisher and are compatible with diamond polishing feet, such as the HTC 420 floor polisher. Hire these professional-grade tools today for a perfectly polished flooring finish!
Concrete Polishing Machines, Floor Polisher, Grinding & Polishing, HIRE, Hire, Machines, Walk Behind Grinder
HTC 420 Triple Head Diamond Floor Grinder Polisher 110 v- Hire, one week rate
110 v Triple head grinding machine also good for –
• high quality wood sanding.
• removing coatings.
• smoothing areas.
• concrete and screed polishing.
• keying area.Weekly hire rate. If you can bring back…
Concrete Polishing Machines, Floor Polisher, Grinding & Polishing, Hire, HIRE, Machines, Walk Behind Grinder
HTC 500 (Var Speed) Triple Head Floor Grinder Polisher 415 v – Hire, one week rate
Medium sized triple head diamond floor grinder polisher, good for –
• polishing terrazzo.
• polishing concrete.
• polishing screeds.
• coating grinding / removal.
• smoothing areas.
• keying surfaces.