Buy Dust Extraction Accessories
Accessories, ACCESSORIES, Cleaning, Machine accessories
Wand attachment, 50 mm diameter.
Accessories, ACCESSORIES, Cleaning, DPM Sheet/Sacks, Machine accessories
Longopac Mini – Extra strong (4 in pack).
For use with – Nilfisk – S3, National Flooring Equipment – DL6000, DL3000, DL2000, DL4000, DL7000 and many other brands of dust control units.
Accessories, Cleaning, Scrubbers
NILFISK SC351 Scrubber
Adjustable water flow.
Low noise.
Adjustable deck for a perfect traction.
Small and lightweight.
Roller bumpers for near to wall cleaning.
Battery level indicator. -
Accessories, ACCESSORIES, Cleaning, Machine accessories
Vacuum Wand – Wet & Dry 35 mm Diameter
Vacuum wand attachment, tube and head, 35 mm diameter.